individual and group

sound bath sessions


Individual and Group

Experience the vibrational healing medicines of the didgeridoo, native American hand drum & flutes, crystal bowls, gongs, sacred chant and more. Creating an energetic connection, bringing a person into alignment with natural divine body intelligence. This state of consciousness facilitates the release of dis-ease and invites deep healing. It is a resonant attunement on a cellular level, with focused intention to harmonize the mind, body and spirit.

Experience a state of restfulness that allows for visions, dreams and journeying to take place in multi dimensional realms. Be nurtured, loved and connect to the Sacred Web of Life and to All Our Relations on Our Mother Earth. All sessions are infused with Infinite Love and Gratitude!



I recently attended a beautiful sound healing workshop with Leraine and Shen, they created a magical nurturing environment that helped me to open my heart and reawaken my soul. Through their masterful arrangements of music, chant, and sound, I was able to hear what the universe wanted me to hear, I call this my heart-song. I now intend to share this heart-song with everyone I meet! It is a song of love, joy, passion, and peace.”

- Ali Benjamin, Director at Simply Lovely Weddings, Founder/Spiritual Director at The Satya Center and Owner at Stepping Stones to Conscious Living