individual and group

Purification Lodge



The Purification Lodge (sweat lodge) is a very powerful spiritual and healing ceremony. It is a practice that is vital in connection to and with our relationship with Creator. This ritual has existed in communities for thousands of years, for healing and purification purposes. It will cleanse and purify the mind, body, and soul for free communication with spirit. This ceremony can be challenging on a physical and mental level. When we are tuned into our hearts and spirits, we create space to allow shift to happen on all levels.  You will go through and overcome, emotional and physical challenges as you cleanse your body mind and spirit  of those energy patterns that no longer serve you and your highest good.

The construction of the lodge and all the area surrounding its structure  is filled with symbolism.  The teachings of the symbolism can be shared when constructing one in a community setting. 


Purification  Lodge Ceremonies may be performed with a variety of intentions.

There are Healing  Lodges, Purifying Lodges, Visionary Lodges for receiving divine insights, and Communal Lodges for creating a feeling of oneness within the circle. Purification Lodges are also an integral part of the Vision Quest, where they are visited several times during a two to four day ceremony designed to create an environment conducive to receiving visions.

The Lodge Pourer is usually someone who is respected in the community for their teachings and wisdom, but not necessarily a Shaman or Holy person.